Hope you all had a nice transcendence into 2016. The first entry in 2016 will of cause be my goals for this year.
First - I want to do much more photography!
I would like to be able to fill this blog with lots of my photos, so I need to get started soon. I want to have photos of all my dolls so that I can get started on filling in more info about them in their respective pages on here. My new 50mm Nikon lens will hopefully be a useful tool :D
Second - I need to be more consequent with doing faceups!
Its time I learn it doesn't have to be perfect. I wipe way too quickly when I get angry over a small mistake, but that means I don't often get to finish anything. I hope to be able to finish one faceup at least every second week after my exams end by the end of January.
Third - Control myself!
I need to not buy dolls until I've finished school in June. Hopefully I'll have a proper job by summer so that I can start buying dolls again ;P
My 2016 wishlist so far:
- Iplehouse nYID Bianca in grey skin
- Soul Doll Tera-Zenith Oscal in sandy brown skin
- (Soul Doll Tera-Zenith Scott in sandy brown skin)
Fourth - Start sculpting something!
I wish to scupt some stuff. I want to try sculpting a whole BJD at some point, but I'll try making some heads first I think. :D
Might also do some weapons for my crew...but that sort of depends how well I can make details in the LaDoll clay ^^ But I'm looking forward to trying.
Fifth - Start making wigs!
This is a project I've been wanting to try since before last summer. I'm super inspired by the talented Amadiz who make the most amazing hairstyles. I want to try my hand at making wigs myself. This will probably not be before I finish school, but It will be a fun project to look forward too. I like the idea of fibers that are not from animals, so I want to look more into those.
Sixth - Buy urethane eyes for all my dolls!
I still haven't received the ones I've bought for my Iplehouse boys, but I really have high expectations for them. I hope they'll live up to those expectations (and that they'll show up soon!).
Seventh - Do at least 12 of the Caketown BJD Blog Tags!
They seem like so much fun to do, and I'm sure they'll surve as a great motivation as well as a means to keep updating my blog. :D
So these will be the goals for my 2016 I think.
I hope I'll be able to fulfil all my goals. Will be fun to see by the end of the year ;D
Good luck on trying to achieve all of your goals for this year ^^
SvarSletHaha thanks! I realize it's a lot of goals...But hey, I need to live it a little ;D
SletGood luck with that!! Those are a lot of goals and I like it :D!!!!
SvarSletI forgot to add the CakeTown tags to my post, but I do have a post it in my desk to remind me to do some haha
I also need more urethane eyes. Serafina and Hana are the only ones with glass eyes now so I'll probably make another order. Hope you like yours!! I love mine
You have to start making wigs soon, they look like a lot of fun and the styles are endless and I wanna see XD!
Same as you I keep wiping my face ups it's no fun. Today I was determined to finish Faolan and Hana and both have a few mistakes (Faolan lower lashes are shty compared to the ones in the face up the sealant screw up ;_;), but I need them done so I kept both face ups and now all they need is gloss and gluing the eyelashes. I wish you luck with that one!! It's so hard to do face ups ._.
Thank you! XD
SvarSletI might have set the bar high for this year, but I feel like I need to do some stuff and not just buy new dolls all the time. I can't really begin to make clothes for them before I live in a bigger place with room for sowing equipment and stuff, so I need to find other ways to be creative ;D
Haha yeah, the Caketown tags are awesome! I'll look forward to reading your answers! *^^*
I was so excited when I returned home from holiday today, only to find my eyes still haven't shown up (you know I was so scared they might have been blown to smithereens on New Years eve by hooligans with fireworks) XD I want my eeeeeyeeess!!!!
Yeah! So many people are making awesome wigs themselves now! I want to join the fun :D
I just need the funds to buy the materials, but I want to begin making some this year. :D
I'm still a little undecided on some of the hair styles, so I need to work a bit more on the characters before I decide. ^^
Aw, hope you at least feel some joy from them having faceups now :)
We'll need to cut ourselves some slang with all that perfectionism! Hope you'll share some pics of your dollies and their new faces :3
I hope I get much better at finishing them as I go along. ;D
Happy New Years!
SvarSletI love how your plans sound, it'll be great to see more things from you, also with your faceups and general crafting >w< And good luck with finishing university as well! That also sounds really exciting :D Can't wait to follow your blog for another year >w<
Happy New Year to you too! :D
SletThank you. I'm honored you think so ^////^>
I really hope I get a job right after I finish, but I don't think it'll be a problem as they need people in the IT industry :D but it will be scary to suddenly have a much higher income ;D
Thank you so much for your kind words :3
Thank you! Haha yeah, I'm so in love with that Tera-Zenith body! I'm playing with the idea that the Tera-Zeniths will be my CEOs X'D then they can be a bunch of super badass bosses. Haha
SvarSletI might wait with Bianca until 2017, it depends on how the wind blows ;P But I need her for my crew.
Hmm...I guess it's more the idea that I can use non-animal fibers. I'm not an activist or anti-fur person, but I think it's cool if you can use something like bamboo. Its just kinda cool. :D
Haha I really want to put one on layaway...maybe by next month I can. It would be cool if you could see one before you go to China.
SvarSletHaha this is why I'm so sick of being a student! I want to make my own money XD
If it turns out that Alpaca is the best option, then it'll be Alpaca fibers. But there's just something cool about using funky fibers such as soy or bamboo :D
Happy New Year! :)
SvarSletYou have some great goals! I hope to see a lot more pictures from you in 2016! :D
You too! :D
SletThank you! I'll do my best!
Great goals! You reminded me of a few things I want to try as well like making wigs and sculpting props.. But I already have so many goals on my list, so I probably won't write them on my goal list. xD
SvarSletThank you! :D
SletHaha yeah! I'd love to see what you'll make ^^
Haha it's actually getting a little difficult to contain one self with the number of goals XD
I love all your creative goals~ please keep us updated on anything you make, don't worry about things not being perfect either~~ :D :D
SvarSletI hope the tags can also inspire you to post more!~ look forward to seeing what you'll do!
Thank you! *^^*
SletI'll try to take as many photos as I can this year ;D
Hope I'll make some useful stuff